Tuesday 15 October 2013

Assorted Pictures

Like most people, I take 845683945 on my phone with the intention of putting them on facebook or tumblr or whatever, but they never get out.

Here's just an assortment of pictures I have on my phone and computer. I don't remember the context of most of them. Most of them involve my cats in some way.

Jamie thinks he is a person. Sunday is very camera-shy.

Not entirely sure where we were going that day. Or why I was pulling that face. I think Shaun might have made fun of my face in the first photo and I was like well fuck you then

Absolutely zero memory of where we were going that day
Possibly the zoo.

My mum's partner's dog Fluppy and me.
No, he's not frightened. That's. That's just what he looks like

Mmm...Wickham. Anyone who has spent a while around me
knows that Wickham is my favourite character from Pride and Prejudice.
This street is near my mum's house.

There's a pussy party on my bed - and I'm not invited!

Jamie is a bit of a strange cat.

Jamie and Ridcully have a tense relationship. They are either
chasing each other and fighting, or this.

This looks comfortable.

I like to imagine they are playing Minecraft.

Ridcully loves a snuggle when I'm wearing my fuzzy pink jumper.

Jamie likes to be held like a baby. Stays there for hours!

 Okay, that last one actually has a story. I was at Supanova to meet Alex Kingston, when there should my good mate Tarquin - also known as the Fourth Doctor - should appear. After I'd had my autograph and chat, I went off to find him and help him while he takes pictures (he is not a photographer, but likes to collect cosplay photographs, usually amassing some 500 per convention). We ran across this Tenth Doctor cosplayer who had is tie tied very ill, and the Fourth Doctor couldn't let his baby-faced older self continue on in that fashion.

There was also a very fun moment that day where Tarquin found another guy with the scarf on in the enormous line for Alex Kingston. Tarquin pulled this bloke out of the line, had me hold the ends of both of the scarves and have them walk off in a direction together. Tarquin's scarf, you see, is the proper 21ft length. The other person's...was not. Tarquin then proceeded to make a lot of "mine's bigger than yours" jokes, much to the amusement of the roughly 400 people in the Alex Kingston line.

Do you have any photographs that you have forgotten the context for? How about photographs with a great story, or funny convention stories? I would love to see and read!


  1. I love the outfits, the white ruffly shirt, that bonnet and blouse and skirt! The animals are so cute!

    A while back my friend and I went some place and there was a street called Darcy street or some other Pride and Prejudice character name and we got really excited.

    I don't know if I have any photos I have forgotten the context of, I will have to look around. I know I have lots of random photos of my little bird, might have to make a facebook folder or put some more up on my blog. I feel a bit bad doing it though, because he gets offended when we take photos of him. :P
